Dear Future Me

Apr 26, 2023

There is so much stress and anxiety going around. Maybe you are stuck in traffic every day, maybe you are worried about making enough money amidst all the price hikes. Maybe you are dealing with the job, relationship, or family issues. You are not alone, we all experience stress, it’s a normal reaction to everyday pressures, but it becomes unhealthy when it upsets your everyday functioning. Unmanaged stress affects every system of the body. Most of us experience mental and physical symptoms, such as irritability, anger, exhaustion, muscle pain, digestive troubles, and difficulty sleeping.

The good news is that pleasure is an antidote to stress. Pleasure lowers our stress hormones, blood pressure, and heart rate, strengthens our immune system, and releases feel good chemicals that fight anxiety and depression. And the best news is that pleasure feels good, by creating changes both in our brains and our bodies! So how do we pleasure ourselves in a publically acceptable way  The first step of course is to feed our sensory side with activities that nourish our senses. How do we do that?

Touch - the first sense we experience at birth, the last we experience from loved ones if we are lucky. Positive touch is a powerful tool that releases the feel-good love hormone oxytocin, which plays a major role in bonding, empathy, and trust. Your touch is as unique as your fingerprints. No one has the same gifts and healing ability in their hands as you do in yours, and that is because it is intertwined with your heart. Use this special gift to express your love to others. Hug a friend, or cuddle with your loved ones.

Get a massage - just one massage session, you will experience a significant reduction in cortisol, and an increase in immune function. Massage also improves mood, and eases depression and anxiety. In our industry we know firsthand the therapeutic and healing benefits of touch, it can help bring balance into someone’s life, it can create a sanctuary of peace and relaxation in your mind and your body, and it sure helps in getting back to a centered place so we can face the world again tomorrow. Bottom line: Do not take touch for granted.

Presence - can manifest for us in many ways, inner peace, empathy, an outflow of kindness, creativity, a heightened sense of life, freedom from compulsive thinking, and a deep appreciation for the present moment. People’s worldviews have been shaken in the last several years and we all had to evaluate our personal priorities and how we want to spend time and energy. Practicing presence calms your mind and brings about positive energy. So, leave the past where it belongs ...

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why we call it ‘the present.’~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Give your nostrils a thrill – We all know that aromatherapy can relieve stress and enhance health. Certain scents (like lavender) are shown to reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels. From helping us to relax and clear our minds to even being used to enhance our overall feeling of wellbeing and alleviate depression, aromatherapy has been used in countless ways for hundreds of years.

Laughter - reduces the physical effects of stress on the body, and makes your immune system stronger. More than that, engaging the “smile muscles” can change your mood and let us not forget the latest trend with Face Yoga. But seriously, humor can boost brain-power and sharpness, as well having a positive attitude will create more moments of joy rather than spending time thinking about the negatives. If you focus on the humor rather than criticism and judgment, your day will play out much differently.

And so is clear, the simple act of nourishing our senses can bring more pleasure and good health into our lives in an easy way. When been touched through professional spa treatments, you will find it is a time where you can give up control and let the other person give their positive energy to you.

Live well one day at a time. Start with a 60mins signature full body massage and a super hydrating express facial OR an express signature back massage and super hydrating 60 Mins facial.

Package Time 90 Mins for just R 990. Available for the month of May 2023 and Subject to availability. Terms and conditions apply.

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