Relax at the Spa

Aug 31, 2021

TOUCH and how it Heals!

“No other form of communication is as universally understood as touch. The compassionate touch of a hand or a reassuring hug, can take away our fears, soothe our anxieties, and fill the emptiness of being lonely.” Randi G Fine (Life coach, counsellor and self-help author) Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language, and the last, and it always tells the truth.” Margaret Atwood (Canadian Poet and Author)

For many of us, the winter this year was cruel, cold, and lonely. But now that the temperature is slowly warming up and the enveloping sunshine is warming us from the outside in, why are we still feeling miserable? Never have we spent more hours at home than during these ‘abnormal’ pandemic months that have felt like years, so every little corner of outside space becomes even more precious.

And just as the outside temperature is increasing, so is the body’s internal temperature. During this time of spring and warmer weather, serotonin increases its production. It’s one of the major mood neurotransmitters in our brains.

Think of spa days and immediately your serotonin levels increase! Conjure an image of lying on a warm treatment bed, as soft music and gentle aromas fill the air, while an extremely talented therapist relaxes us with a firm and well-executed massage! Feel that serotonin flood?

When we actually experience this, whether enjoying 45 minutes, an hour or an hour and a half massage, we usually find ourselves feeling like an entirely new person when we leave. Ever wonder why just one session of massage therapy has the capability to leave us feeling brand new? Thanks to the powers of the human touch, the benefits of massage are countless.

Throughout the years, research has shown the profound benefits of something as simple as this platonic skin to skin interaction. We crave touch as newborns, and in fact, premature infants are known to thrive from this simple gesture. So, it should become commonplace for doctors to write prescriptions for monthly massage or regular visits to the Spa for their patients in order to alleviate stress, pain and stiffness, manage anxiety and depression, control blood pressure, boost immunity… I said, the benefits are countless.

Besides, spending quality “me time” while lying face down, with your eyes closed and thoughts elsewhere, your focus, alertness and mental relaxation increases. For just an hour or two, you will avoid Facebook or Instagram envy, Twitter rage and other social media hazards. You will experience the “warm glow” of happiness and gain the resilience to handle difficulties more easily, and bounce back more rapidly after dramatic or unpleasant events.

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